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The Association of Petroleum Industry Co-Op Managers (APICOM) is an association of unaffiliated petroleum industry Oil Spill Cooperative managers. The Association meets for the mutual benefits of the member to exchange information and best practice as it relates to global oil spill response and includes support through mutual aid agreements (people and equipment). APICOM is also a member of the Partnership Action Team which is made up of APICOM, SCAA (Spill Control Association of America) and the U.S. Coast Guard. Founded in 1972, APICOM serves as an advisory body for the development of standards, regulations and policies related to global oil spill response.

Membership and Contacts

Organization Officers

Upcoming Events

Alaska Chadux Network Alaska Clean Seas Clean Rivers Cooperative Alyeska Pipeline Service Company Cook Inlet Spill Prevention & Response, Inc. Islands' Oil Spill Association Corpus Christi Area Oil Spill Control Association Oil Spill Response Limited Marine Response Corporation Delaware Bay and River Cooperative Eastern Canada Response Corporation Clean Gulf Associates Savannah Spill Response Southeast Alaska Petroleum Response Organization Western Canada Marine Response Corporation